Can someone help me with this conversion question?

Suppose you are told that 15 quarts (qt) = 14.2 liters (L). What is the conversion factor you would use to convert from quarts to liters? What is the conversion factor you would you use to convert liters to quarts?

1) quarts to liters: 14.2 L/15 qt
liters to quarts: 15 qt/14.2 L

2)quarts to liters:15 qt + 14.2 L
liters to quarts: 29.2 qt/L

3)quarts to liters: 15 qt/14.2 L
liters to quarts: 1.06 qt/L

4) quarts to liters: 15 qt*14.2 L
liters to quarts: 213 qt/L

Choice #1 is the correct answers.

To find the conversion factor from quarts to liters, we need to divide the number of liters by the number of quarts. From the given information, we can see that 15 quarts is equal to 14.2 liters. So the conversion factor from quarts to liters would be:

Conversion factor for quarts to liters = 14.2 L / 15 qt

To find the conversion factor from liters to quarts, we need to divide the number of quarts by the number of liters. Using the given information, we can see that 15 quarts is equal to 14.2 liters. So the conversion factor from liters to quarts would be:

Conversion factor for liters to quarts = 15 qt / 14.2 L

Therefore, the correct answer is:

quarts to liters: 14.2 L / 15 qt
liters to quarts: 15 qt / 14.2 L