Draw a figure demonstrating a quadrilateral that is not a parellelogram such that diagonals are congruent and perpendicular.

To draw a quadrilateral with congruent and perpendicular diagonals, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line segment, which will be one of the sides of our quadrilateral.

2. From one end of the segment, draw a vertical line segment perpendicular to the first one. This will represent the other side of the quadrilateral.

3. From the opposite end of the horizontal segment, draw a slanted line segment meeting the perpendicular line at a right angle. This slanted line will represent one of the diagonals.

4. Finally, draw another slanted line segment from the bottom end of the vertical segment to the opposite end of the horizontal segment. This second slanted line will intersect the first diagonal at a right angle, forming the other diagonal.

The figure you have drawn should now represent a quadrilateral with congruent and perpendicular diagonals. Remember, there are multiple possible shapes for this, so feel free to experiment with different lengths and angles for your lines.