To: bobpursley - how do you teach a 5th grader how to figure out the answer?

I'm not Bob, and he may have further input, but it seems to me you just take what information they give you, and step by step apply it.

They said:

You can only use the digits 0-9. I need an odd number that is a multiple of five with no repeated digits. Half the digits are odd and the other half is even. The largest digit in the number is in the tens place (but it is not the largest digit). The digit in the hundreds place is half the digit in the tens place. The sum of the digits is greater than 20.

you know the number is odd, and a multiple of five, so it must end in 5. Explain how you know this.

The largest digit is 9, but the number in the 10s place is not 9, so it must be 8 or less.

Since the digit in the hundreds place is half the tens' place, the tens digit must be even, so it's 0,2,4,6,8. But, it can't be 0,2,or 4, so it must be 6 or 8.

Why, because the sum of the digits is 20, and if the largest digit is 6, then adding 0-6 gives 21.

Now, we don't know how many digits there are in the number, but there must be at least 6, if the largest is 6. That would give us the choices

xxx365 if there is no 0, or
xxxx365 if there is a 0 in the mix
Since half the digits are odd, there must be an even number of digits. so there is no 0.
xxx365 is the only pattern. Using that, we can have only one more odd digit, so fill in the rest as you will, using 1,2,4 anywhere you like.

Now, if the 10's digit is 8, then we could have

xxx485 or xxxxx485
The sum must be greater than 20, but any of the remaining digits will work.
So, using 0,1,2,3,6,7 fill in the other digits, making sure that 0 is not the first digit, there are the same number of evens and odds, and there are no repeats.

Bob's 123485 is just one possible solution. If they wanted the smallest possible number, then I'd have said 103485. The largest would be 76321485.

how do you subtract 9 and 1 half minus 3


Find the following landmarks for the set of numbers 28,17,45,32,29,14,27.

To teach a 5th grader how to figure out the answer to a question, it's important to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Here are some general steps you can take:

1. Ask the student to read and understand the question or problem statement. It's crucial for them to grasp what they are being asked to solve.

2. Help them identify any key information or clues provided in the question. This can be numbers, measurements, or specific details that are necessary to solve the problem.

3. Teach them different problem-solving strategies or techniques that are applicable to the particular subject or topic. This might include using diagrams, making models, drawing graphs, breaking down the problem into smaller parts, or using logical reasoning.

4. Encourage the student to organize their thoughts and write down the given information or steps they plan to take to solve the problem. This helps to ensure they don't miss any important details and allows for a systematic approach.

5. Guide them through the process of solving the problem step-by-step. Ask open-ended questions to help them analyze and think critically about the problem. For example, you could ask, "What do you know already?" or "What can you infer from this information?"

6. Provide constructive feedback on their approach and encourage them to try different strategies if needed. Reinforce the importance of perseverance and trial-and-error in problem-solving.

7. Once they reach a solution, have them check their answer for reasonableness and accuracy. They should verify if their answer aligns with the given information and if it makes logical sense.

8. Finally, encourage the student to reflect on their problem-solving process. Ask them questions like, "What did you learn from this problem?" or "Is there a different approach you could have taken?"

Remember, teaching problem-solving skills takes practice and patience. Encourage the student to practice these steps with various types of problems. Gradually, they will become more confident and independent in finding solutions.