please help me solve my homework with all the work involved. i have trouble paying attention in class so it's hard for me to do my homework. here are a few of the questions. I need to find out what the letters equal.

1.) 10(-4+y)=2y

Thank you a lot.

I'll do two of them for you. Which two would you like me to do?

The first two please


-40 + 10y = 2y

-40 = 2y - 10y

-40 = -8y

-40/-8 = y

5 = y



9b - 36 - 7b = 15b - 10

2b - 15b = 36 - 10

-13b = 26

b = -2

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your homework! I understand that it can be challenging when you have trouble paying attention in class. Let's go through each question step by step and solve them together:

1.) 10(-4+y) = 2y

To solve this equation, we need to distribute the 10 to each term inside the parentheses:

10 * -4 + 10 * y = 2y

Simplifying further:

-40 + 10y = 2y

Next, let's isolate the terms with y on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 2y from both sides:

-40 + 10y - 2y = 2y - 2y

Simplifying further:

-40 + 8y = 0

Now, to isolate the term with y, we can add 40 to both sides:

-40 + 40 + 8y = 0 + 40

Simplifying further:

8y = 40

Finally, we can solve for y by dividing both sides by 8:

8y/8 = 40/8

Simplifying further:

y = 5

So, the value of y in this equation is 5.

2.) 9(b-4) - 7b = 5(3b-2)

Let's simplify both sides of the equation first:

9b - 36 - 7b = 15b - 10

Next, let's combine like terms on each side of the equation:

(9b - 7b) - 36 = (15b) - 10

Simplifying further:

2b - 36 = 15b - 10

Now, let's isolate the terms with b on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 2b from both sides:

2b - 36 - 2b = 15b - 10 - 2b

Simplifying further:

-36 = 13b - 10

Next, let's isolate the constant terms on one side of the equation by adding 10 to both sides:

-36 + 10 = 13b - 10 + 10

Simplifying further:

-26 = 13b

Finally, we can solve for b by dividing both sides by 13:

-26/13 = 13b/13

Simplifying further:

b = -2

So, the value of b in this equation is -2.

3.) -(8n - 2) = 3 + 10(1 - 3n)

Let's simplify both sides of the equation first:

-8n + 2 = 3 + 10 - 30n

Next, let's isolate the terms with n on one side of the equation. We can do this by adding 8n to both sides:

-8n + 8n + 2 = 3 + 10 - 30n + 8n

Simplifying further:

2 = 3 + 10 - 22n

Now, let's isolate the constant terms on one side of the equation by subtracting 3 and 10:

2 - 3 - 10 = 3 + 10 - 22n - 3 - 10

Simplifying further:

-11 = -22n

Finally, we can solve for n by dividing both sides by -22:

-11/-22 = -22n/-22

Simplifying further:

n = 1/2

So, the value of n in this equation is 1/2.

4.) 1/4(60 + 16s) = 15 + 4s

Let's simplify both sides of the equation first:

(1/4) * 60 + (1/4) * 16s = 15 + 4s

Simplifying further:

15 + 4s = 15 + 4s

In this case, notice that both sides of the equation are the same. This means that the infinite solutions exist for this equation. Any value of s would make both sides of the equation equal.

Therefore, there is no unique solution for this equation. The value of s can be any real number.

I hope this helps you understand how to solve these equations step by step. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, feel free to ask!