How many milliliter of conc. HNO3 would be necessary to prepare 500ml of 20% of HNO3 solution?

First calculate the percent HNO3 in conc HNO3. Do you have the percent? Most concn HNO3 is 68% by weight HNO3.

500 mL x 0.20 = ?mL x 0.68.

Conc hno3 is not given.

You MUST know how strong it is in the bottle; else you don't have enough info. Concd HNO3 sold commercially is 68-70% by weight. It says that on the bottle. That's why I gave you the number in my response.

To find out how many milliliters of concentrated HNO3 are needed to prepare a 500ml solution of 20% HNO3, you need to know the concentration of the concentrated HNO3.

Let's assume the concentration of the concentrated HNO3 is "X"%. The percentage concentration of a solution is defined as the amount of solute (in this case, HNO3) dissolved in a given amount of solution (in this case, 100ml) expressed as a percentage.

To calculate the amount of HNO3 in the 20% solution, we multiply the volume of the solution by the percentage concentration:

20% HNO3 solution = 500ml * 0.20 = 100ml of HNO3

The 20% solution requires 100ml of HNO3.

However, in order to determine the volume of concentrated HNO3 needed, we need to find its concentration. Assuming that the concentration of the concentrated HNO3 is "Y"%, we can set up the following equation:

Y% * V = 100ml

Where V represents the volume of concentrated HNO3 required.

Now, since we don't have the concentration of the concentrated HNO3, it is not possible to determine the exact volume required. To find the volume of concentrated HNO3 needed, you will need to provide the concentration of the concentrated HNO3 solution.