Instructions: In the space provided, write the vocabulary word from list 3 that is most nearly an antonym (a word opposite in meaning) of each of the following expressions. 1. Promising--------- Is it ominous, pacific, plod, smolder, submerge, swagger, or tedious?

The word is promising.

Pls help

ominous is the best of the choices.

Steve is correct.

Also ... when you post around midnight (notice the time stamps on your posts above), you are unlikely to get answers from either Ms. Sue or me!

Ok, thanks anyway Steve and Writeacher. But it was 5:00 p.m. here in A.S.

To determine the antonym of the expression "promising" from the given vocabulary word list 3, we can analyze the options provided:

1. Ominous - Ominous means giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
2. Pacific - Pacific means peaceful or calm. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
3. Plod - Plod means to walk heavily or slowly, indicating a lack of energy or enthusiasm. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
4. Smolder - Smolder means to burn slowly with smoke but without a flame, suggesting hidden intensity. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
5. Submerge - Submerge means to descend below the surface of water or be overwhelmed by something. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
6. Swagger - Swagger means to walk or behave in a confident or arrogant manner. It is not an opposite meaning of "promising."
7. Tedious - Tedious means boring or monotonous, requiring a lot of effort or time. This is the most nearly opposite meaning of "promising" because promising implies something positive and full of potential, while tedious suggests something dull and unexciting.

Therefore, the vocabulary word from list 3 that is most nearly the antonym of "promising" is "tedious."