Write out directions for how to convert a fraction to a decimal, a decimal to a percent, and a percent to a fraction.

I honestly don't know how to do this, no one has told me how to solve problems including these steps.

ok so for instance you have 5/8 all you need to do is divide 5 by 8. whic if you do the math you will get .625. Or even easier to use things that are easy to divide by so 6/10 ok so if you divide 6 by 10 all you have to do is move the decimal so you get .6. You use the same method if its a faction like 8/3 just divide 8 by 3 and you get 2.667.

a decimal to a percent ok so allyou have to do is take the decimal .625 and multiply by 100 you use 100 because 100% is going to give you the percentage out of 100 which is what we use. so by multiplying by 100 we know that we just need to move the decimal two places to the right and we get 62.5%.

Percent to a fraction, all you have to do is lets take 85% we put 85/100. so just take your percent set it over 100 and reduce we get 17/20

No problem! I'll be happy to help you understand the process of converting fractions to decimals, decimals to percents, and percents to fractions. Here are the step-by-step instructions for each conversion:

1. Converting a fraction to a decimal:
Step 1: Divide the numerator (top number) of the fraction by the denominator (bottom number).
Step 2: If the division is not exact, continue the division to the desired decimal places, or round off as needed.
Example: To convert 3/5 to a decimal, divide 3 by 5: 3 ÷ 5 = 0.6.

2. Converting a decimal to a percent:
Step 1: Multiply the decimal by 100.
Step 2: Add the "%" symbol at the end.
Example: To convert 0.6 to a percent, multiply it by 100: 0.6 × 100 = 60%.

3. Converting a percent to a fraction:
Step 1: Remove the "%" symbol.
Step 2: Write the number as a fraction over 100.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
Example: To convert 60% to a fraction, remove the "%": 60. Then write it as a fraction over 100: 60/100. Finally, simplify the fraction: 60/100 = 3/5.

Remember, practice is key to becoming comfortable with these conversions. It can also be helpful to use a calculator or online conversion tools to double-check your work until you become more confident.