If you walk 20m. and took a book from a library table, turned around, and walked back to your seat. What is the distance and displacement traveled by you? What is the distance and displacement traveled by the book? Please answer in 100 words!

I answered this one already in about 20 words. I suggest you add the neccesary additional words begning with a discussion of the difference between distance and displacement.

To find the distance you traveled, you simply add up the total distance covered in each direction. So, in this case, you walked 20m from your seat to the library table, and then 20m back to your seat. Thus, your total distance traveled is 20m + 20m = 40m.

Displacement, on the other hand, takes into consideration the starting and ending points. It is the straight-line distance and direction between the initial and final positions. In this scenario, since you started and ended at the same position, your displacement is zero.

As for the book, it traveled a distance of 20m from the library table to your seat. However, its displacement will also be zero since it started and ended at the same position on the library table.