Write a story for the following multiplication problem : 16x5

Derrick gets $5 for every hour he works at the store. He works for 16 hours each day. How much money does he get everyday?
Is that a good problem?

Write a story for the following multiplication problem : 144x78
I cant think of a story for this one
Help? :D

A large grocery store just received 78 crates of tangerines. Each crate contains 144 tangerines. How many tangerines did the store get?

Sure! Here's a story for the multiplication problem 144 x 78:

Once upon a time, there was a village called Numeroland. In Numeroland, there was a farmer named Oliver who owned a large field. Oliver wanted to plant rows of 144 apple trees in his field. He had a friend named Lisa, who was an expert at planting trees. Lisa told Oliver that she could plant 78 apple trees per row.

So, one bright and sunny morning, Oliver and Lisa started working together. They spent the whole day planting apple trees. Oliver had a total of 144 rows, and together they managed to complete all the rows. Each row had 78 apple trees.

At the end of the day, they decided to count the total number of apple trees planted. They realized that they needed to multiply the number of rows (144) by the number of trees per row (78) to find out the total.

To calculate this, you can multiply the two numbers together: 144 x 78 = 11,232.

So, Oliver and Lisa managed to plant a staggering total of 11,232 apple trees that day. The field looked beautiful with rows and rows of lush green apple trees.

I hope this story helps you understand how to solve the multiplication problem 144 x 78 using a story!

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