Is this true or false?

All objects moving in a circle are accelerated. I really don't uderstand this question.

Yes. They have centripetal accelaration a=v^2/R

No acceleration means that the velocity is not changing. Velocity involves both speed and direction. Though the speed doesn't change, the direction is constantly changing so it turns toward the center of the circle.

This statement is actually true. When an object is moving in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction of motion, even if its speed remains constant. This change in direction involves acceleration.

To better understand this concept, consider the definition of acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. Therefore, if an object is changing its direction of motion, even if its speed remains the same, its velocity is changing. And since acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, the object is undergoing acceleration.

Mathematically, this can be explained using the centripetal acceleration formula: a = v^2/r, where "a" represents acceleration, "v" represents the velocity of the object, and "r" represents the radius of the circular path. This equation shows that there is a constant acceleration directed toward the center of the circle, regardless of the object's speed.

So, in summary, all objects moving in a circle experience acceleration, as they are constantly changing their direction of motion.