
<table border='1'>
<tr><td>1st row, left col.</td><td>1st row right col.</td></tr>
<tr><td>2nd row, left col.</td><td>2nd row right col.</td></tr>

To create a table in HTML, you need to use the `<table>` element. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a basic table:

1. Open a text editor or an HTML editor of your choice.
2. Start by creating the `<table>` element: `<table></table>`. This will be the container for your table.
3. Within the opening and closing `<table>` tags, you will create rows using the `<tr>` element. Rows represent the horizontal structure of the table.

For example:

4. Inside each row, you will define cells using the `<td>` element. Cells represent the individual data in the table.

For example:

5. You may also need to define a header row using the `<th>` element instead of `<td>`. The header cells look visually different and are commonly used to label the columns or provide additional information.

For example:

6. Finally, add content inside the `<td>` or `<th>` elements to display the data in your table.

For example:

7. Save the file with a .html extension and open it in a web browser to see your table.

This is a basic example, but you can further customize and style your table using CSS.