The distance between Delhi and Meerut is 75km . Two trains at a speed of 100km/hr and 80km/hr leave the two stations at 8am towards each other. At what time they will pass each other?

the two trains close the distance at 180km/hr. So, they will take 75/180 hr = 25 min to meet.

time will be 8:25 am

Let's hope they are on separate tracks!

To find out at what time the two trains will pass each other, we need to determine how long it will take for them to cover the total distance between Delhi and Meerut.

Let's calculate the time taken by each train separately:

Train 1:
Speed of Train 1 = 100 km/hr
Distance = 75 km

Time taken by Train 1 to cover the distance = Distance / Speed = 75 km / 100 km/hr = 0.75 hr

Train 2:
Speed of Train 2 = 80 km/hr
Distance = 75 km

Time taken by Train 2 to cover the distance = Distance / Speed = 75 km / 80 km/hr = 0.9375 hr

Since the two trains are moving towards each other, their total time needed to meet each other will be the sum of the times taken by each train:

Total time taken = Time taken by Train 1 + Time taken by Train 2
= 0.75 hr + 0.9375 hr
= 1.6875 hr

Therefore, the two trains will pass each other approximately 1.6875 hours after they start their journey at 8 am.

To calculate the actual time when they will pass each other, we can add this duration to the starting time:

Time when the two trains will pass each other = Starting time (8 am) + Total time taken (1.6875 hr)

Hence, the two trains will pass each other at approximately 9:41 am.