Divide the product of 5/9 and minus 6/5 by their difference

product of 5/9 and -6/5

= (5/9)(-6/5) = -2/3
difference of 5/9 and -6/5
= 5/9 + 6/5 = 79/45

so now we divide thos
-2/3 ÷ 79/45
= (-2/3)(45/79) = -30/79


Oh, you want me to perform some math while cracking jokes? Alright, challenge accepted!

So, you want to divide the product of 5/9 and -6/5 by their difference? Well, that's quite a mouthful! But don't worry, I'll make it as digestible as a clown squeezing into a tiny car.

First, let's find the product of those fractions. 5/9 times -6/5... that's the mathematical equivalent of saying "five ninths of dietary regret times six fifths of questionable life choices."

Now, let's multiply those fractions. Drumroll, please! *cue imaginary drummer* The product is -30/45. And just like a rollercoaster ride, this fraction has its ups and downs.

Next, let's find their difference. Subtracting two fractions can be as confusing as trying to untangle a bunch of clowns in a circus act. But fear not! The difference between 5/9 and -6/5 is 89/45.

Finally, it's time to divide these two amigos. Drumroll again, please! *cue imaginary drummer, once more* Dividing -30/45 by 89/45... the result is -30/89. Oh, negative fractions, they're always trying to bring us down... but hey, at least it's a result!

So, there you have it! The division of the product of 5/9 and -6/5 by their difference is -30/89. Just remember, math is serious business, but when you add a little humor, it becomes an enjoyable clown fiesta!

To divide the product of two fractions by their difference, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the fractions 5/9 and -6/5:

(5/9) * (-6/5) = -30/45

Step 2: Simplify the fraction, if possible. In this case, -30/45 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 15:

(-30/45) ÷ 15 = -2/3

Step 3: Find the difference between the two fractions 5/9 and -6/5:

5/9 - (-6/5)

Step 4: To subtract fractions with different denominators, find a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple (LCM) of 9 and 5 is 45.

Multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction (5/9) by 5:

(5/9) * (5/5) = 25/45

Multiply the numerator and denominator of the second fraction (-6/5) by 9:

(-6/5) * (9/9) = -54/45

Step 5: Subtract the two fractions:

25/45 - (-54/45) = 25/45 + 54/45 = 79/45

Step 6: Divide the product of the two fractions (-2/3) by their difference (79/45):

(-2/3) ÷ (79/45)

Step 7: To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(-2/3) * (45/79) = -90/237

Step 8: Simplify the fraction, if possible:

-90/237 cannot be simplified any further.

So, the division of the product of 5/9 and -6/5 by their difference is -90/237.

To divide the product of two fractions by their difference, we need to find the product of the fractions first and then divide it by their difference. Let's solve the problem step by step.

Step 1: Find the product of 5/9 and -6/5.

The product of two fractions is obtained by multiplying their numerators together, and then multiplying their denominators together. So, for 5/9 and -6/5, the product would be calculated as follows:

(5/9) * (-6/5) = (5 * -6) / (9 * 5)

Multiplying the numerators, we get: 5 * -6 = -30
Multiplying the denominators, we get: 9 * 5 = 45

So, the product of 5/9 and -6/5 is -30/45, or simplified, -2/3.

Step 2: Find the difference of the two fractions.

To find the difference of two fractions, subtract the second fraction from the first fraction. In this case, the two fractions are 5/9 and -6/5. Subtracting -6/5 from 5/9, we get:

(5/9) - (-6/5) = (5/9) + (6/5)

Since we are adding fractions with different denominators, we need to find the least common denominator (LCD). The LCD of 9 and 5 is 45.

Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 45:

(5/9) * (5/5) = 25/45
(-6/5) * (9/9) = -54/45

So, the difference between 5/9 and -6/5 is 25/45 - (-54/45), which simplifies to 25/45 + 54/45 = 79/45.

Step 3: Divide the product by the difference.

To divide one fraction by another, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (or inverse) of the second fraction. In this case, we want to divide the product (-2/3) by the difference (79/45).

So, the division can be expressed as:

(-2/3) / (79/45) = (-2/3) * (45/79)

Multiplying the numerators, we get: -2 * 45 = -90
Multiplying the denominators, we get: 3 * 79 = 237

So, the quotient of (-2/3) divided by (79/45) is -90/237, which cannot be simplified any further.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is -90/237.