Damon has 4 times as many stamps as Julia. Julia has 4 times as many as Claire. Claire has 4 stamps. Write the number of stamps Damon has in both exponetial and standard form. :)

Claire = 4

Julia = 4*4
Damon = 4(4*4) = 64 = 4^3

Let Claire = x

Julia = 4x
Damon = 4x(4x)

Damon = (4x)(4x) = 16x^2
16(4)^2 =(16)(16)

Exponential = 5.018 x 10^3 stamps
Standard = 5018 stamps

Let's break down the information step by step to find out how many stamps Damon has.

1. Claire has 4 stamps.
2. Julia has 4 times as many stamps as Claire. Therefore, Julia has 4 * 4 = 16 stamps.
3. Damon has 4 times as many stamps as Julia. Therefore, Damon has 4 * 16 = 64 stamps.

So, Damon has 64 stamps.

In exponential form, we can write this as:
Damon has 6.4 x 10^1 stamps.

In standard form, we can write this as:
Damon has 64 stamps.

To determine the number of stamps Damon has, we'll follow these steps:

1. Start with the number of stamps Claire has, which is 4.
2. Julia has 4 times as many as Claire, so we'll multiply 4 by 4: 4 * 4 = 16.
3. Finally, Damon has 4 times as many stamps as Julia, so we'll multiply 16 by 4: 16 * 4 = 64.

Therefore, Damon has 64 stamps.

In exponential form, we can write this as:

Damon = 4^3

And in standard form, we can write it as:

Damon = 64