-In respect to the foundations of prejudice, social identity theory is associated with the concept of A. modern racism. C. ethnocentrism. B. self-fulfilling prophecy. D. stereotypical discrimination.


The correct answer is C. ethnocentrism. Social identity theory, developed by Henri Tajfel, suggests that people tend to derive their self-esteem from their social group memberships. This theory is associated with the concept of ethnocentrism, which is the tendency to view one's own ethnic or cultural group as superior to others. Ethnocentrism can contribute to prejudice and discrimination towards individuals from other groups.

To determine the correct answer among the options provided, let's examine each concept and see which one is associated with social identity theory.

A. Modern racism refers to the belief that certain races are inherently superior or inferior. While social identity theory can contribute to the understanding of modern racism, it is not directly associated with it.

B. Self-fulfilling prophecy is the phenomenon where a person's beliefs or expectations about someone else lead them to behave in ways that confirm those beliefs or expectations. Although social identity theory can be linked to self-fulfilling prophecies, it is not the primary association.

C. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view one's own ethnic or cultural group as superior to others. Social identity theory is closely associated with ethnocentrism as it explains how individuals derive their self-esteem by identifying with specific social groups and may, therefore, display biases towards other groups.

D. Stereotypical discrimination refers to the act of treating individuals from certain groups based on preconceived stereotypes rather than their merits. While social identity theory can provide insights into why stereotypical discrimination occurs, it is not directly associated with this concept.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. ethnocentrism, as it is the concept most closely associated with social identity theory.

In respect to the foundations of prejudice social identity theory is associated with the concept of