

Since sqrt t^2 = t, I will assume you mean

f(t) = sqrt (t^2+1)
and not f(t) = sqrt(t^2)+1 = t + 1
I also will assume that the positive square root is to be used.

I have no idea what your second line is supposed to mean. You have not asked a question.
If you are trying to calculate f(0) or f(-9),then

f(0) = sqrt (1) = 1
f(-9) = sqrt(81 + 1) = 9.055

p=2l+2w forl

To find the value of f(t) for t = -9 in the given function f(t) = √(t^2 + 1), we need to substitute -9 in place of t and evaluate the expression.

So, we have:

f(-9) = √((-9)^2 + 1)

Now, let's simplify this expression step by step:

1. Start by squaring -9:

f(-9) = √(81 + 1)

2. Add 81 and 1:

f(-9) = √82

3. Finally, find the square root of 82:

f(-9) ≈ 9.055

Therefore, f(-9) is approximately equal to 9.055.