The sum of 2 angles is 90. The measure of one angle is 1 1/2 times the measure of each angle

If you meant to say

The measure of one angle is 1 1/2 times the measure of the other; find the measure of each angle

then the angles are x and 3/2 x:

x + 3/2 x = 5/2 x = 90
x = 36
the angles are 36 and 54 degrees

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To find the measures of the angles, we can use algebra. Let's represent the measure of one angle by "x". According to the problem, the other angle is 1 1/2 times the measure of the first angle, which is 1.5x.

We are given that the sum of the two angles is 90 degrees. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + 1.5x = 90

Combining the like terms, we have:

2.5x = 90

To isolate x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 2.5:

x = 90 / 2.5

Evaluating the expression, we find:

x = 36

Hence, one angle measures 36 degrees, and the other angle is 1.5 times that, which is 1.5 * 36 = 54 degrees.