Hello! I need help with my research regarding-- Twitter being used as a prime source for real time news.

Can anyone suggest a communication theory I can use for this study?

I was thinking about using the agenda-setting theory, but I need another theory aside from that. :)

From which set of communication theories are you supposed to choose?


Any. :)

I need a theory that supports how and why Twitter is being used as a prime source for real time news.

I thought of comparing it with the newspaper and facebook.

You could also compare it as electronic, instant media to TV & radio. Remember that not everyone "does" Twitter and/or Facebook.

I get news fastest via Twitter -- even faster than the TV stations' Fb pages or their websites!!

Of course, how fast one gets news of any kind on Tw depends on whom he/she is following!

Of course! When exploring the use of Twitter as a prime source for real-time news, another communication theory you can consider is the Uses and Gratifications Theory. This theory focuses on understanding why individuals choose certain media outlets and how they satisfy their needs through media consumption. Here's how you can utilize the theory in your study:

1. Familiarize yourself with the theory: Start by understanding the basics of the Uses and Gratifications Theory. This theory suggests that individuals actively choose and use media to meet their specific needs, such as information, entertainment, social interaction, or personal identity.

2. Develop research questions: Based on the theory, you can design research questions that explore why individuals turn to Twitter for real-time news updates and the specific gratifications they derive from using Twitter as a news source. For example, you might ask, "What are the prevalent gratifications that users seek from Twitter as a source of real-time news?"

3. Conduct surveys or interviews: To gather data, you can create a survey or conduct interviews with Twitter users who rely on it as a source of real-time news. In your survey, include questions that assess the gratifications sought by users, such as "What specific needs or motivations lead you to use Twitter for real-time news?"

4. Analyze the data: Once you have collected the responses, analyze the data to identify recurring themes or patterns. Look for common gratifications sought by Twitter users, such as immediacy, interactivity, diversity of perspectives, or user-generated content. This analysis will provide insights into why individuals perceive Twitter as a reliable source for real-time news.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about how the Uses and Gratifications Theory applies to the Twitter ecosystem as a prime source for real-time news. Assess whether the needs and gratifications identified align with the theory's propositions, and discuss the implications of your findings.

Remember, using a theoretical framework like the Uses and Gratifications Theory will provide a foundation for understanding users' motivations and behaviors, enriching your study of Twitter as a real-time news source beyond the scope of agenda-setting theory.