An asteroid moves toward the sun along a straight line with a velocity given by v = -(c1+c2/x)½ , where x is the distance from the center of the sun. Use the chain rule for derivatives to show that the asteroid's acceleration is a = -c2 /2x^2.

To find the acceleration of the asteroid, we need to differentiate the velocity function with respect to time. The velocity function is given by v = -(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2).

Let's first find the derivative of v with respect to x:

dv/dx = d/dx[-(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2)]

To use the chain rule, let's define a new function u = c1 + c2/x. Therefore, we have:

u = c1 + c2/x

If we differentiate u with respect to x, we get:

du/dx = d/dx(c1 + c2/x)

Using the power rule for differentiation, the derivative of 1/x with respect to x is -1/x^2. Therefore, we have:

du/dx = d/dx(c1) + d/dx(c2/x) = 0 + c2(-1/x^2) = -(c2/x^2)

Now, let's differentiate v with respect to u. We have:

dv/du = d/dx[-(u)^(1/2)] = -(1/2)(u)^(-1/2)

Substituting u back in, we get:

dv/du = -(1/2)(c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2)

To find dv/dx, we can multiply dv/du by du/dx:

dv/dx = -(1/2)(c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2) * (-(c2/x^2))

Simplifying the expression:

dv/dx = (1/2)(c2/x^2)(c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2)

The acceleration, a, is the derivative of v with respect to time, t, which can be obtained by multiplying dv/dx by dx/dt:

a = dv/dx * dx/dt

To express dx/dt in terms of x, we use the velocity function v = dx/dt:

v = -(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2)

Solving for dx/dt:

dx/dt = -(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2)

Now, let's substitute dv/dx and dx/dt back into the equation for a:

a = (1/2)(c2/x^2)(c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2) * (-(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2))

Simplifying the expression further:

a = -(1/2)(c2/x^2)(c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2)(c1 + c2/x)^(1/2)

Since (c1 + c2/x)^(1/2) and (c1 + c2/x)^(-1/2) cancel out:

a = -(1/2)(c2/x^2)

Which is the given expression for the asteroid's acceleration, a = -c2/2x^2.

Therefore, using the chain rule for derivatives, we have shown that the asteroid's acceleration is a = -c2/2x^2.