description of the procedure , step by step ,that was used to find the densities.... help me ...!!!

Of course, I'd be happy to help you!

To find densities, you typically need to measure the mass and volume of a substance. Here's a step-by-step procedure to determine the density of a material:

1. Gather the necessary equipment:
- A scale or balance to measure mass (preferably one that provides accurate measurements to at least two decimal places).
- A ruler or measuring device to determine the dimensions of the object or material.
- A graduated cylinder or other appropriate container to measure volume.

2. Ensure that your equipment is clean and free from any residue that could affect the measurements.

3. Measure the mass of the object or material:
- Place your scale or balance on a stable surface.
- Zero or tare the scale so that it reads zero with no weight on it.
- Carefully place the material on the scale and record its mass in grams (g).

4. Measure the volume of the object or material:
- If the shape is regular (e.g., cube, cylinder, sphere), measure its dimensions with a ruler or measuring device.
- Use the appropriate formula to calculate volume based on the shape:
- For a cube or rectangular shape, volume = length x width x height.
- For a cylinder, volume = πr²h (π is approximately 3.14, r is the radius, and h is the height).
- For a sphere, volume = (4/3)πr³.
- If the material has an irregular shape or is a liquid, use a graduated cylinder or other container to measure its volume. Make sure to read the meniscus at eye level to get an accurate measurement.

5. Calculate the density:
- Use the formula: density = mass / volume.
- For example, if the mass is 50 grams and the volume is 25 milliliters (ml), the density would be 50 g / 25 ml = 2 g/ml.

Remember, the units of density will depend on the units used for mass and volume. In the example above, the density is expressed in grams per milliliter (g/ml).

By following these steps, you should be able to find the density of a material accurately.