Estimate each quotient. Tell which method you used. Do I respond with by telling I used the method of rounding to solve? Ex. 195 divided by 4. Answer 200 divided 4 = 50. Method I used is rounding/estimating.

Yes. I think you need to tell what your rounded numbers are. You rounded 195 to 200 for your problem above.


OH! So if I used the rounding/estimating method for each of the 7 questions, as the directions told me to, I still just put Rounding/estimating as my method?

You're very welcome, Micaya. :-)

I need help with division

Yes, when estimating each quotient, you can respond by mentioning the method you used, such as rounding or estimating. Let me help you with an example:

Example: 195 divided by 4

To estimate this quotient using rounding, you can round the dividend (195) to the nearest ten, which is 200. Then you perform the division with the rounded numbers: 200 divided by 4 = 50.

So, in your answer, you could say: "195 divided by 4. Answer: 200 divided by 4 = 50. Method I used: rounding/estimating."

This way, you're indicating the numbers you used for estimation (200 and 4) and clarifying the method employed (rounding/estimating).

Thank you very much Ms. Sue!! =)