2. <11{1[1(19)19]}> All sages provide both wisdom and inspiration. Since Dasha’s speech contained wisdom and greatly inspired her audience, Dasha is a sage.

Which one of the following points out the flaw in the argument above? (Points : 1)
Just because Dasha is a sage doesn’t mean that she is always wise and inspirational.
Just because Dasha’s speech provided wisdom and inspiration doesn’t mean that it provided more wisdom than inspiration.
Just because Dasha satisfied two requirements of being a sage doesn’t necessarily mean that she satisfies all the requirements of being a sage.
Just because Dasha provided wisdom and inspiration in a speech doesn’t mean that all sages use speeches to provide wisdom and inspiration.

The flaw in the argument above is that it makes a generalized assumption based on a specific instance. The argument states that since Dasha's speech contained wisdom and greatly inspired her audience, she is a sage. However, this conclusion is flawed because it does not consider the possibility that Dasha might not always be wise and inspirational or that there may be other requirements to be considered a sage. The correct option that points out this flaw is: "Just because Dasha satisfied two requirements of being a sage doesn’t necessarily mean that she satisfies all the requirements of being a sage."