Bari has 180 Mardi Gras beads. 2/3 of the beads are green. 40% of the remaning beads are gold and the rest are purple. What fraction of the beads are gold? how many purple beads does she have?

2/3 green = 2/3(180) = 120

60 remain

120 + .4(60) + P = 180

Solve for P(urple).


Gold=40% * remaining=40%* 60=24

Fraction of gold=24/180=2/15

To find the fraction of the beads that are gold, we first need to determine the number of green beads. We know that 2/3 of the beads are green, so we can calculate this by multiplying:

Green beads = (2/3) * 180 Mardi Gras beads
= 120 green beads

Now, we need to find the number of remaining beads. To do this, we subtract the number of green beads from the total number of beads:

Remaining beads = 180 Mardi Gras beads - 120 green beads
= 60 remaining beads

Next, we can find the number of gold beads. We know that 40% of the remaining beads are gold. To calculate this, we multiply the remaining beads by 40%:

Gold beads = (40/100) * 60 remaining beads
= 24 gold beads

Now, we need to determine the number of purple beads. Since the remaining beads are either gold or purple, we can subtract the number of gold beads from the remaining beads:

Purple beads = 60 remaining beads - 24 gold beads
= 36 purple beads

Therefore, the fraction of beads that are gold is:

Fraction of gold beads = Gold beads / Total number of beads
= 24 gold beads / 180 Mardi Gras beads
= 2/15

And the number of purple beads is 36.