1. Regarding management and leadership, which statement is

most accurate?
A. Leaders can be good managers, and good managers can
be leaders.
B. Leaders aren’t managers, and managers aren’t leaders.
C. Leadership and management are entirely unrelated.
D. Most effective managers aren’t good leaders.
2. On an organizational chart, span of control refers to the
A. number of departments in a company.
B. number of employees responsible for particular kinds of
C. skills a manager must have to supervise any number of
D. number of subordinates a manager supervises.
3. According to _______ theory, employees compare the inputs and outputs of other
employees doing similar jobs. Unfavorable comparisons may lead to slacking off on
their work or asking a supervisor for either an explanation or a raise.
A. equity C. reinforcement
B. MBO D. perceived fairness
4. Which of the following statements about Maslow’s needs hierarchy is correct?
A. Esteem needs must be satisfied before one strives to fulfill social needs.
B. Self-actualization is a growth need.
C. Safety needs are more basic than physiological needs.
D. Social needs are considered more important globally than security needs.
5. In an organizational hierarchy, which position is most likely to come under the category
of first-line management?
A. Factory foreman C. Plant manager
B. Head of the legal department D. Vice president for sales
6. In a labor-management dispute, _______ requires representatives of both parties to
argue their case before an unbiased third party whose judgment on the dispute is final
and binding on both parties.
A. an injunction C. arbitration
B. mediation D. amelioration
7. While _______ leaders plan activities and timelines and keep the group on task,
_______ leaders help diffuse conflicts and encourage cooperative effort.
A. formal; task C. informal; task
B. task; social D. social; task
8. The American Federation of Labor was formed under the leadership of
A. John L. Lewis. C. Samuel Gompers.
B. Uriah Stephens. D. George Meany.
9. Based on a _______ statement, a company sets long-term _______ mutually agreed
on by workers and management and, from these, sets specific, short-term _______.
A. mission; goals; objectives C. mission; objectives; goals
B. vision; objectives; goals D. vision; goals; objectives
10. The idea that people working at similar jobs requiring the same levels of education,
skills, or training should receive equal pay is called _______ worth.
A. equivalent C. consistent
B. equitable D. comparable
11. According to Herzberg’s research related to his two-factor theory, the highest-ranked
motivating factor turned out to be
A. peer and group relationships. C. sense of achievement.
B. pay. D. job status.
12. In a line-and-staff pattern of organization, which position is most likely to serve a staff
A. Plant manager C. Shift supervisor
B. Director of marketing research D. Chief financial officer
13. The researchers conducting the Hawthorne plant studies found that
A. productivity in the test room went up and down, depending on lighting and work
B. workers in the test room voiced complaints about being observed.
C. after being observed for a while, productivity in the test room declined.
D. the workers in the test room saw themselves as a social group.
14. Within an organization, the first step in human resource planning is
A. preparing an employee inventory.
B. conducting job analyses.
C. writing out job descriptions.
D. preparing job specifications.
15. If you carry out a SWOT analysis, you know that the “O” stands for
A. outliers. C. outlines.
B. opportunities. D. oddities.
16. When hired by Imp, Inc., Jake immediately began his job as an inventory clerk. He was
learning by doing in an approach to employee training called
A. apprenticing. C. on-the-job training.
B. employee orientation. D. vestibule training.
17. Following Herzberg’s findings, managers strove to make jobs more interesting. One
approach to this end, called job _______, involves combining several job tasks into a
single, more challenging task.
A. rotation C. autonomy
B. enrichment D. enlargement
18. In _______ planning, one assigns specific tasks, selects the people to perform them,
and specifies how they’re to be done.
A. strategic C. tactical
B. operational D. contingency
19. Among pay systems, the term variable pay usually applies to people who are paid
A. for each product they produce.
B. based on a percentage of their sales.
C. through bonus plans.
D. an hourly wage.
20. Under a flextime plan, ________ time is a period of the workday during which employees
are expected to be present and busy in the workplace.
A. fixed C. core
B. base D. flex
21. Which of the following statements about Theory Y is correct?
A. The average worker prefers to be directed.
B. Workers have to be pushed and controlled to do their jobs.
C. Most people work toward goals to make money and reduce fear.
D. Most people like work and find it as natural as play or rest.
22. The concept of reasonable accommodation is directly associated with
A. the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
B. Title VII.
C. the Age Discrimination Act of 1967.
D. the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
23. In a three-year study of bricklaying, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed a principle of
motion _______ by which every job could be broken down into elementary motions
called therbligs.
A. economy C. efficiency
B. effectiveness D. energy
24. Manager Joe presents problems to his work group and gets suggestions before making
a decision. Joe’s management style is
A. free-rein.
B. autocratic.
C. participative/democratic.
D. a blend of autocratic and participative.
25. Which of the following illustrates intrinsic reward?
A. Jolie’s work is praised by her supervisor.
B. Clark gets a promotion.
C. Natalia finds her work personally satisfying.
D. Rodrigo is saving overtime pay for a trip to Miami

13 B
please can some one check my answers to see if there are correct

Your first five answers are wrong.


Would these answers be correct

13) is not a

17) is not b

1. Regarding management and leadership, the most accurate statement is A. Leaders can be good managers, and good managers can be leaders. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the relationship between management and leadership. Management refers to the process of coordinating and overseeing the activities of a group of individuals to achieve organizational goals. Leadership, on the other hand, involves influencing and inspiring individuals to work towards a common goal. While management and leadership are distinct concepts, they are not mutually exclusive. Many successful leaders possess good management skills, and good managers can also exhibit effective leadership qualities. Therefore, option A is the most accurate statement.

2. On an organizational chart, span of control refers to the D. number of subordinates a manager supervises. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the concept of span of control. Span of control refers to the number of subordinates that a manager directly supervises. It determines the extent to which a manager can effectively manage and provide guidance to their subordinates. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

3. According to equity theory, employees compare the inputs and outputs of other employees doing similar jobs. Unfavorable comparisons may lead to slacking off on their work or asking a supervisor for either an explanation or a raise. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand equity theory. Equity theory proposes that individuals strive for fairness and equity in their work environments. They compare their inputs (e.g., effort, skills) to their outputs (e.g., pay, recognition) with those of others in similar positions. If they perceive unfairness or inequity, it can lead to negative behaviors such as decreased motivation or seeking resolution from a supervisor. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

4. The correct statement about Maslow's needs hierarchy is B. Self-actualization is a growth need. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests human needs can be categorized into a hierarchical order. The hierarchy consists of five levels: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. According to the theory, individuals must satisfy their lower-level needs before progressing to higher-level needs. Self-actualization, the highest level, refers to the need for personal growth, fulfillment, and reaching one's full potential. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

5. In an organizational hierarchy, the position most likely to come under the category of first-line management is A. Factory foreman. First-line management, also known as front-line or supervisory management, refers to individuals who directly oversee the work of non-managerial employees. It involves supervising day-to-day operations, ensuring tasks are completed, and addressing any issues or concerns. A factory foreman is a common example of a first-line manager in a manufacturing setting. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

6. In a labor-management dispute, arbitration requires representatives of both parties to argue their case before an unbiased third party whose judgment on the dispute is final and binding on both parties. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the different methods of resolving labor-management disputes. Arbitration is a process where an impartial third party, called an arbitrator, listens to the arguments of both labor and management and makes a final and binding decision. This decision is legally enforceable and ends the dispute. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

7. While formal leaders plan activities and timelines and keep the group on task, informal leaders help diffuse conflicts and encourage cooperative effort. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the roles of formal and informal leaders in a group or organization. Formal leaders are individuals who hold positions of authority within a formal organizational structure. They have designated roles and responsibilities, such as planning activities and enforcing deadlines. On the other hand, informal leaders emerge within a group based on their influence, expertise, or interpersonal skills. They help foster cooperation and resolve conflicts without holding a formal position of authority. Therefore, the correct option is D. social; task.

8. The American Federation of Labor was formed under the leadership of C. Samuel Gompers. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) is one of the most significant labor unions in the United States. It was founded in 1886 and Samuel Gompers served as its first president until his death in 1924. Gompers was a prominent labor leader who advocated for workers' rights and played a crucial role in shaping the American labor movement. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

9. Based on a A. mission statement, a company sets long-term C. objectives mutually agreed on by workers and management and, from these, sets specific, short-term goals. To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the hierarchy of statements used in strategic planning. A mission statement is a broad statement that outlines an organization's purpose, values, and overall direction. From the mission statement, a company sets long-term objectives that provide a strategic focus. These objectives are mutually agreed upon by workers and management. Then, specific, short-term goals are established to achieve these objectives. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

10. The idea that people working at similar jobs requiring the same levels of education, skills, or training should receive equal pay is called B. equitable worth. The concept of equitable worth refers to the principle that individuals performing similar jobs with similar requirements should receive equal compensation. It takes into consideration factors such as education, skills, experience, and job responsibilities when determining pay. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.