The muscles located in the leg that move the ankle and foot are divided into ________.

A. Anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments

B. Oblique, lateral, and posterior compartments

C. Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal compartments

D. None of the above


Yes, it's A.

A neutralization reaction occurs

The muscles located in the leg that move the ankle and foot are divided into anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments. YES IT IS A

I swear every question you have on Ashworth, you come here for help Lol

Haha Aya was from 2012 im on ashworth in 2015 using it Wow

im 2016 and using it

arent we all here for Ashworth lol 2016 Baby

Man im here for ashworth and ms sue keeps messing me up

To answer this question, we can recall the anatomy of the leg and its muscles. The muscles located in the leg that move the ankle and foot are indeed divided into compartments. These compartments help to organize and classify the muscles based on their functions and locations.

The correct answer is A. Anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments.

The leg muscles are divided into these three compartments:

1. Anterior compartment: This compartment is located in the front of the leg and consists of muscles that primarily dorsiflex the ankle (flexing the foot towards the shin) and invert the foot (turning the sole of the foot towards the midline).

2. Posterior compartment: This compartment is located at the back of the leg and consists of muscles that primarily plantarflex the ankle (pointing the foot downwards) and invert or evert the foot (turning the sole of the foot towards the midline or away from it).

3. Lateral compartment: This compartment is located on the outside of the leg and consists of muscles that primarily evert the foot (turning the sole of the foot away from the midline).

So, the muscles located in the leg that move the ankle and foot are divided into anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments.