How did the media's representation of commercial music change during the years 1971-1989 compared to the 1960's? What caused this change?

To understand how the media's representation of commercial music changed during the years 1971-1989 compared to the 1960s, we need to consider the key factors that influenced this evolution. Here's how you can approach researching and answering this question:

1. **Research popular music trends**: Start by thoroughly examining the music of the 1960s and the subsequent decades. Understand the prevailing genres, artists, and significant events that influenced the music landscape during these periods. Familiarize yourself with the major shifts in popular music styles and consumption patterns.

2. **Study media platforms**: Investigate the media platforms that were prevalent in the 1960s and how they evolved in the following decades. Evaluate how music was represented on platforms such as radio, television, and print media. Look for changes in music coverage, promotional strategies, and the artists who received media attention.

3. **Analyze cultural and societal changes**: Consider the socio-cultural context of the 1960s and the subsequent years. Identify the major events, movements, and societal changes (such as civil rights, counterculture, and political activism) that influenced the media's representation of commercial music during these periods. Examine how these changes impacted music production, consumption, and media reception.

4. **Compare media coverage**: Examine how the media's representation of commercial music shifted from the 1960s to the 1970s and 1980s. Look for key differences in the amount and types of coverage given to different genres and artists. Consider factors like radio playlists, music charts, TV performances, journalistic styles, and the emergence of music-specific publications.

5. **Identify technological advancements**: Investigate the technological advancements that took place between the 1960s and the following decades. Evaluate how new technologies, such as cassette tapes, vinyl records, FM radio, music videos, and MTV, influenced music production, distribution, and exposure. Consider how these advancements played a role in altering the media's representation of commercial music.

6. **Identify cultural influencers**: Identify influential artists, producers, DJs, and media personalities who emerged during the 1971-1989 period. Assess how their impact and popularity affected the media's focus on certain music genres and commercial acts.

By combining these research techniques and analyzing the cultural, societal, and technological changes during the specified periods, you can provide an in-depth explanation of how the media's representation of commercial music changed from the 1960s to the years 1971-1989 and the factors that caused this change.