Create an equation for cell phone plan:$30 for the first 500 minutes plus $.20 for each additional minute.

To create an equation for the cell phone plan, we need to break it down into two parts: the cost for the first 500 minutes and the cost for each additional minute.

Let's represent the total cost of the cell phone plan as C, and the number of minutes used as M.

For the first 500 minutes, the cost is a flat rate of $30. So we have:

C1 = $30

For each additional minute, the cost is $0.20. Since the first 500 minutes are already covered by the flat rate, we only need to calculate the cost for any additional minutes beyond the initial 500. Let's represent this as the cost for the additional minutes, C2:

C2 = $0.20 × (M - 500)

To find the total cost C, we can add the cost of the initial 500 minutes (C1) to the cost of the additional minutes (C2):

C = C1 + C2
C = $30 + ($0.20 × (M - 500))

This equation represents the total cost of the cell phone plan based on the number of minutes used.