9. Which one of the following statements is characteristic of liquid water?

A. It has a definite shape but not a definite volume.
B. It has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
C. It has a definite volume and a definite shape.
D. It has a definite volume but not a definite shape.

Is it C??

1. What is unique about the biosphere?
A. It's the only sphere that contains water.
B. It exists entirely within the other spheres.
C. It's the coldest of all the spheres.
D. It's the only sphere that doesn't support life.

Is it A?

3. Why is coal not considered to be a mineral?
A. Coal is a manufactured product.
B. Coal can exist in liquid form.
C. Coal doesn't have a definite chemical composition.
D. Coal is not inorganic.

Is it C?

All three of your answers are wrong.

Okay. Is #1 B? Because it does support life. I know that. Coal isn't manufactured, & isn't in a liquid form, and it is organic. Is #9 b, as well?

1 is B.

#3 is D?

Yes, 3 is D.

#9 is d?

Yes, 9 is D.

Which of the following phases of matter has a definite volume, but takes the shape of its container?

A). Solid Phase
B). Liquid Phase
C). Gaseous Phase
D). All the above are correct

For question 9, the statement characteristic of liquid water is option D, "It has a definite volume but not a definite shape." This is because liquid water takes the shape of its container, but it does not have its own specific shape.

To answer question 1, the statement unique about the biosphere is option B, "It exists entirely within the other spheres." The biosphere refers to all the regions on Earth where living organisms exist, including the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

Regarding question 3, the reason why coal is not considered to be a mineral is option D, "Coal is not inorganic." Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure. Since coal is derived from organic matter (plants), it is considered organic and not a mineral.