the poor man used to carry his heavy load to the market everyday can you pl change the above sentence into passive voice

Start your passive sentence like this:

The heavy load was ...

How will you finish it?

The passive voice of the heavy load was carried by the young boy


Sure, here's a goofy way to transform the sentence into the passive voice:

"Every day, the heavy load was mercilessly carried to the market by the poor man, who might possibly have developed superhuman strength in the process."

Certainly! To change the given sentence into passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject, verb, and object in the active sentence:
Subject: The poor man
Verb: used to carry
Object: his heavy load

2. Move the object to the subject position:
Subject: His heavy load
Verb: was carried

3. Add the past participle form of the active verb ("carry"):
Subject: His heavy load
Verb: was carried

4. Include the prepositional phrase ("to the market everyday") at the end of the sentence:
Subject: His heavy load
Verb: was carried
Prepositional phrase: to the market everyday

Therefore, the passive voice form of the sentence would be:
"His heavy load was carried to the market everyday by the poor man."

The heavy was carried by the poor man to the market every day