i have a math problem that say i have to divide 84 and 14 it and it equaled 51 then the book asked what does it tell me about 14 and 84

First of all, what do you think it tells about 14 and 84?

what do you mean by "divide 84 and 14"? 84 divided by 14 is 6, so I'm confused about the 51. Do you mean 5+1?

thanks that helped a lot steve what was i thinking

To solve the problem, you need to divide 84 by 14. The result you obtained was 51.

Now, let's analyze what this tells us about the relationship between 14 and 84. When you divide a number by another number, the result is the quotient, or how many times the second number fits into the first number. In this case, 14 fits into 84 a total of 6 times (14 x 6 = 84).

So, the division problem 84 รท 14 = 6 tells us that 14 is a factor of 84, or that 84 is divisible by 14 without any remainder. Additionally, it shows us that 84 is 6 times greater than 14.