The longest banana split ever made was 4mi 686yd long. How many feet is that? However, a 4.55 mile banana split was made in Selinsgrove, PA., in 1988. Which is longer? (Hint: 0.55 miles is 0.55 x 5280 ft.)

How many feet are in a mile?

How many feet are in yard?

IN one mile there are 5280 ft.

In a yard there is 3 feet


4 * 5,280 = ?
686/3 = ?

Add those two answers to find out the length of the first banana split.

4 mi + 686 yd = 4*5280 + 686*3 feet

4.55 mi = 4.55 * 5280 ft

do the math and compare.

To find out how many feet are in 4 miles 686 yards, we need to convert the yards into feet and then add them to the total feet in 4 miles.

First, we convert the 686 yards into feet. There are 3 feet in 1 yard, so multiplying 686 by 3 gives us 2058 feet.

Next, we calculate the total feet in 4 miles. Since there are 5280 feet in 1 mile, multiplying 4 by 5280 gives us 21,120 feet.

Now, we add the feet from the yards to the total feet from the miles: 21,120 + 2058 = 23,178 feet.

Therefore, the longest banana split ever made, measuring 4 miles 686 yards, is equivalent to 23,178 feet.

Now, we compare this with the 4.55 mile banana split made in Selinsgrove, PA. To convert the 0.55 miles into feet, we multiply it by 5280: 0.55 x 5280 = 2904 feet.

Next, we add the 2904 feet to the total feet in 4.55 miles. On multiplying 4.55 by 5280, we get 24,144 feet.

Comparing the two measurements, we can see that the 4.55 mile banana split is longer, measuring 24,144 feet, compared to the 4 miles 686 yards banana split, which is 23,178 feet long.