Hello, I am completing a written assignment for my final portfolio and I just wanted to make sure this is grammatically correct and makes sense.

Think of where you live in relation to the nearest airport. Write down directions on how to arrive at the airport from your house, using the command form of the verbs and por and para.

My Answer:
Para llegar al aeropuerto de Los Ángeles de Temecula:
1. En primer lugar, vaya a la izquierda por Winchester carretera.
2. A continuación, gire a la izquierda por la autopista I-15 hacia Riverside.
3. Incorporarse por la CA-91 hacia las ciudades playeras.
4. Seguir el I-605 y después el I-105.
5. Tome por la salida hacia Century Boulevard.
6. Para llegar al aeropuerto, vaya al World Way.

Thank you for the help!

I sent this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

1. por la carretera Winchester (better word order)

3. Conjugate the verb = incorporarse a = to join/ I'm not sure what you want to say here = follow? siga
4. Siga
5. Tome la salida


I am trying to say "Merge" onto that freeway.



In México, we usually use "incorporarse" when we select another way and become part of that "flow" of cars.

Incorpórese a la CA-91 y diríjase hacia las ciudades ribereñas (not "playeras")

Your response seems to be on the right track, but I would like to provide some corrections and suggestions to make it more grammatically correct and coherent.

Firstly, use the imperative form of the verbs to provide clear and concise directions. Here's a revised version of your response:

Para llegar al aeropuerto de Los Ángeles desde Temecula:
1. Gire a la izquierda en Winchester carretera.
2. Toma la autopista I-15 hacia Riverside.
3. Incorpórate en la CA-91 hacia las ciudades playeras.
4. Sigue por el I-605 y luego el I-105.
5. Toma la salida hacia Century Boulevard.
6. Llegarás al aeropuerto siguiendo World Way.

In addition to the use of the imperative form, note that I have replaced "vaya" with "gire" in step 1 to specify the action of turning left. I have also removed "Para llegar al aeropuerto" from step 6 as it is redundant.

Furthermore, you mentioned using "por" and "para" in your directions. However, it seems that they are not necessary in this context. Instead, you could provide additional clarifications without these prepositions, such as indicating the names or numbers of the specific highways to take.

I hope this helps!