Write in exponential notation... 95.214 how do I do this?

95.214 = 9.5214*10^1.

To write 95.214 in exponential notation, we follow the general form: a × 10^n, where a is a number between 1 and 10, and n is an integer.

1. Start by moving the decimal place in 95.214 to the right until you have a number between 1 and 10. In this case, we can move the decimal point two places to the left, resulting in the number 0.95214.

2. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point. In this case, we moved it two places to the left, so n = -2.

3. Write the number in exponential notation. Since we moved the decimal point to the left, we will have a negative exponent. Therefore, 95.214 can be written in exponential notation as 9.5214 × 10^-2.

So, 95.214 in exponential notation is 9.5214 × 10^-2.

To write a number in exponential notation, you need to express it as a product of a coefficient and a power of 10. Here's how you can convert the number 95.214 into exponential notation:

Step 1: Determine the coefficient
The coefficient is the non-zero digits to the left of the decimal point. In this case, the coefficient is 95.

Step 2: Determine the power of 10
The power of 10 indicates the number of places the decimal point needs to be moved to the right to obtain the original number. Count the number of digits between the decimal point and the rightmost non-zero digit. In this case, there are three digits: 2, 1, and 4.

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and the power of 10
Write the coefficient followed by the letter "e" (for exponent), and then write the power of 10 as an exponent. The final result for 95.214 in exponential notation is:

95.214 = 9.5214 x 10^1

So, in exponential notation, 95.214 is represented as 9.5214 x 10^1.