Xuan saved $5340 in 3 years. If he saved $95 per month in the first year and a fixed amount per month for the

next 2 years, how much did he save per month during the last 2 years?

So there is no interest involved ?

if so, then ....

95(12) + 24x = 5340
solve for x

To find out how much Xuan saved per month during the last 2 years, we need to subtract the amount he saved in the first year from the total saved over 3 years.

First, we calculate how much Xuan saved in the first year:
He saved $95 per month for 12 months, so the total amount saved in the first year is 95 * 12 = $1140.

Now, we subtract the amount saved in the first year from the total saved over 3 years:
5340 - 1140 = $4200.

Since the remaining $4200 was saved over the last 2 years, we divide it equally between the two years:
4200 / 2 = $2100.

Therefore, Xuan saved $2100 per month during the last 2 years.