How can you countenance even one state outlawing a fundamental right? Indeed, half a century ago, states’ rights was the cry of those committed to continued segregation and discrimination.

is that a example of metaphorical language?


A metaphor compares two unlike things.

ok so what would that be an example of?

What are your choices?

i don't have any im just trying to describe what it would be.

Consider all of the devices you've studied. There are dozens of rhetorical devices, but I don't know which ones you've studied.

Yes, the statement you provided includes metaphorical language. Specifically, the phrase "countenance even one state outlawing a fundamental right" uses metaphor to convey the idea of accepting or tolerating a state's decision to prohibit or restrict a basic right. In this context, the metaphorical language emphasizes the strong disapproval or objection to such actions.

To identify metaphorical language, look for words or phrases that are used figuratively, in a way that is different from their literal meaning. Metaphors typically draw comparisons between two unrelated concepts to create a vivid or expressive effect. In this case, the metaphor highlights the speaker's indignation towards the potential infringement on a fundamental right by comparing it to the act of accepting or tolerating it.