Frequent and intense stress in children

Over long periods of time can A, cause children to become more sympathetatic others. B, help increase their memory skills. C,stop brains production of cortisol. D, give children problems
With controlling negative emotions.

Please read Bobpursley's answer below.

The correct answer is D, frequent and intense stress in children can give them problems with controlling negative emotions.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option:

A) Cause children to become more sympathetic others: This is not the correct option. Although stress can impact empathy and social interactions in children, it does not necessarily make them more sympathetic towards others.

B) Help increase their memory skills: This is also not the correct option. While stress can have varying effects on memory, prolonged and intense stress in children can actually impair their memory function.

C) Stop the brain's production of cortisol: This is incorrect. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and during periods of prolonged stress, cortisol production is often heightened rather than suppressed.

D) Give children problems with controlling negative emotions: This is the correct option. Frequent and intense stress can disrupt emotional regulation in children, causing difficulties in managing and controlling negative emotions.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D - frequent and intense stress in children can give them problems with controlling negative emotions.