al has twice as many baseball cards as frank and four times as many football cards as joe. the expression 2x+4y can be used to show the total number of baseball and football cards Al has. If the answer is y, then what is the question?

Frank has X baseball cards.

Ai has 2x baseball cards.

Joe has Y football cards.
Ai has 4y football cards.
Ai has 2x + 4y baseballs and foot balls.

QUESTION: How many football cards does Joe have?

To find the question, we need to express the information provided in the problem in the form of a question.

Let's first consider the expression 2x + 4y. This expression represents the total number of baseball and football cards that Al has, where x represents the number of baseball cards and y represents the number of football cards.

Now, let's analyze the information given in the problem:
1. Al has twice as many baseball cards as Frank: This means that the number of baseball cards Frank has is half the number Al has. So, if Al has x baseball cards, Frank has x/2 baseball cards.
2. Al has four times as many football cards as Joe: This implies that the number of football cards Joe has is a quarter of the number Al has. Therefore, if Al has y football cards, Joe has y/4 football cards.

Based on this information, we can now construct the question. Since the given expression represents the total number of baseball and football cards Al has, we can ask:

"If Al has x baseball cards and y football cards, what is the expression that represents the total number of baseball and football cards Al has?"

Therefore, the question is: "What is the expression that represents the total number of baseball and football cards Al has if Al has x baseball cards and y football cards?"