Using Internet resources, find one example of installation art. Describe the artwork you have found, including the title, artist, year created, and where it is installed. What is the meaning of the work? How does the meaning relate to what the artist has created? Provide your personal reaction to your chosen work and comment on each other’s examples of installation art.

Here is a famous example:

A Google search of "installation art" will provide hundreds of other examples. Take your pick

To find an example of installation art, you can use various internet resources such as art gallery websites, art databases, or search engines. Let's proceed with a search on an art database like Artsy.

Start by visiting a reputable art database website like Artsy ( and enter "installation art" in the search bar. This will generate a list of installation artworks that you can explore. You can scroll through the results or use filters to refine your search, such as specifying the artist, year created, or location.

For the purposes of this explanation, let's consider the artwork titled "The Weather Project" by Olafur Eliasson. This renowned installation was created in 2003 and was installed in the Tate Modern gallery in London, UK.

"The Weather Project" is a large-scale installation consisting of a semi-circular, glowing, artificial sun placed at the end of a dark, expansive hall. Surrounding the sun is a mirrored ceiling, creating the illusion of a vast space. In the installation, the artist also incorporated a misty haze and a reflective surface that resembles water on the floor. Visitors to the installation can walk around, lie down, or observe the surreal environment.

The meaning of "The Weather Project" lies in its ability to evoke feelings of awe, tranquility, and contemplation. It explores the relationship between humankind and their environment, particularly our dependency on the sun and natural forces. The installation encourages visitors to reflect on their place in the world and contemplate broader notions of existence.

Olafur Eliasson's creation successfully relates to its meaning through its immersive nature. By transforming the exhibition space into an ethereal environment, the artist invites viewers to interact and experience the artwork from their own unique perspectives. The use of light, mirror, and atmospheric effects enhances the contemplative atmosphere and enhances the intended message.

Regarding my personal reaction to "The Weather Project," I find it truly captivating. The sublime nature of the installation, combined with the interplay of light, mirrors, and mist, creates a mesmerizing experience. It instills a sense of wonder and reflection, allowing me to momentarily detach from my surroundings and contemplate deeper concepts. The artwork's ability to evoke introspection through simple yet evocative elements is a testament to the artist's skill.

As for commenting on each other's examples of installation art, since you haven't provided your chosen artwork for discussion, please share the details, and I'd be glad to offer my thoughts on it as well.