What strategy does Edwards use to make the application of his conclusions seem very personal and relevant to his audience?

Who is Edwards? What story/book/film is this related to?

To determine the strategy used by Edwards to make the application of his conclusions personal and relevant to his audience, we need to analyze his writing style and rhetorical devices. Specifically, we can refer to Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" as an example.

One strategy Edwards employs is the use of vivid and alarming imagery. He uses intense language and detailed descriptions to create an emotional impact on his audience. For example, Edwards describes God's wrath as a "great and mighty furnace of wrath" and the sinners as being "liable to be cast into that furnace" at any moment. By presenting these images, Edwards attempts to evoke fear and urgency in his listeners, making the application of his conclusions more personal and relevant to them.

Furthermore, Edwards uses repetition throughout his sermon to emphasize his points and make them resonate with his audience. By repeating certain phrases, such as "the wrath of God" and "your damnation," Edwards reinforces his message and ensures that his listeners grasp the severity of their situation. This repetition helps to make his conclusions feel deeply personal by continuously reminding his audience of their imminent danger and the potential consequences.

Additionally, Edwards makes effective use of rhetorical questions to engage his audience and encourage self-reflection. By asking questions like "How dreadful is the state of those that are daily and hourly in the danger of this great wrath and infinite misery?" Edwards prompts his listeners to think about their own lives and consider the implications of his message on a personal level. This direct involvement and introspection make his conclusions more relevant and relatable.

In summary, Jonathan Edwards utilizes vivid imagery, repetition, and rhetorical questions to make the application of his conclusions personal and relevant to his audience. Through the use of these strategies, he aims to evoke strong emotions, engage his listeners' self-reflection, and emphasize the urgent nature of his message.