Help Please?

1.30√-25 x 8√-49

2. 6√-64 + 12√-36

3. 4√-13 - 6√-13

30√-25 x 8√-49

= 30√25√-1 x 8√49√-1
=150√-1 x 56√-1
= 8400 (-1)
= -8400 , remember that √-1 x √-1 = i x i = i^2 = -1

do the others the same way, let me know what you got

I'm Doing Problem 2 Right Now .

But I'm Stuck How Did You Get 150 In the 3rd Line?

30√25√-1 x 8√49√-1

= 30 x 5 x √-1 x 8 x 7 x √-1
= 150 x √-1 x 56 x √-1
= 8400 x i^2
= ....

Oh Okay .

I Tried The Other Two Problems.
For #1 I Got 120 As My Answer.
For #2 I Got 37 As My Answer.


6√-64 + 12√-36 = 6*8i + 12*6i = 120i

4√-13 - 6√-13 = (4-6)√-13 = -2√13 i

Sure! Let's solve each of these problems step-by-step:

1. We have the expression 1.30√-25 x 8√-49. To simplify this expression, we can start by simplifying each square root individually.

- The square root of -25 can be written as √(-1 * 25). We can take out the square root of -1 as "i" (the imaginary unit): i√25.
- Similarly, the square root of -49 can be written as √(-1 * 49), which simplifies to i√49.

Now, substituting these simplified square roots back into the original expression:

1.30 * i√25 * 8 * i√49

Next, we can multiply the numbers outside the square roots:

1.30 * 8 * i√25 * i√49

Following the order of operations, we multiply the numbers first:

10.4 * i√25 * i√49

Next, we simplify the square roots within the expression:

10.4 * i * 5 * i * 7

Since i * i is equal to -1, we can further simplify the expression:

10.4 * (-1) * 5 * 7

Finally, calculate the product:


Therefore, the solution to 1.30√-25 x 8√-49 is -364.

2. We have the expression 6√-64 + 12√-36. Let's follow the same step-by-step process as before:

- The square root of -64 can be written as √(-1 * 64), which simplifies to i√64.
- The square root of -36 can be written as √(-1 * 36), which simplifies to i√36.

Now, substituting these simplified square roots back into the original expression:

6 * i√64 + 12 * i√36

Next, we can multiply the numbers outside the square roots:

6 * i√64 + 12 * i√36

Following the order of operations, we multiply the numbers first:

6i * 8 + 12i * 6

Now, we simplify the expression:

48i + 72i

Adding like terms, we get:


Therefore, the solution to 6√-64 + 12√-36 is 120i.

3. We have the expression 4√-13 - 6√-13. Again, let's follow the same step-by-step process:

- The square root of -13 can be written as √(-1 * 13), which simplifies to i√13.

Now, substituting this simplified square root back into the original expression:

4 * i√13 - 6 * i√13

Next, we can multiply the numbers outside the square roots:

4i * √13 - 6i * √13

Simplifying the expression:

(4i - 6i) * √13

Combining like terms, we get:

-2i * √13

Therefore, the solution to 4√-13 - 6√-13 is -2i√13.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to solve these types of problems! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.