School is the only common institution where all students can be touched about tolerance .

i need help finding nfo on this

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I don't agree with the statement. The message of tolerance can and does come through the media. Not all children attend school.

I also disagree with that statement. Teaching tolerance begins with the examples set by parents and by how parents respond to intolerance.

I don't agree either. I found many teachers and administrators intolerant of children out of the mainstream, or had family lifestyles that were out of the mainstream. Often these are clouded in the term "disruptive". I remember a teen I taught years ago who shaved her head into a mohawk, died pink. She was expelled. That is hardly tolerant, she was a good was odd behaviour her wearing a dog collar, but not something that couldn't be tolerated.

I agree with GuruBlue on the role of family.

To find information on how schools can promote tolerance among students, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a general online search using keywords such as "school tolerance programs," "promoting tolerance in schools," or "educational initiatives for tolerance."

2. Look for reputable websites or organizations that focus on education and social issues. Some examples include UNESCO, Teaching Tolerance, or the Anti-Defamation League.

3. Explore the resources these websites offer, such as articles, research papers, curriculum guides, or case studies that discuss initiatives and programs aimed at fostering tolerance in schools.

4. Check if there are any academic journals or publications that focus specifically on education and tolerance. You can search within these publications for relevant research articles or studies.

5. Visit your local library or academic institution's library to access books or academic journals on the topic of tolerance in schools. Librarians can assist you in finding relevant materials.

6. Consider reaching out to education or psychology departments at universities. Professors or researchers in these fields may have published studies or can offer further guidance on the specific topic of tolerance in schools.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, considering the credibility and reliability of the sources. It is advisable to include a variety of perspectives in your research to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.