What are 25 action words that relate to science?

If you start with a lot of words, I'll be glad to add more to your list.


Start by listing the action verbs in this article.


To find 25 action words related to science, you can start by thinking about different scientific fields and activities. Here are some examples:

1. Experiment
2. Calculate
3. Observe
4. Analyze
5. Research
6. Invent
7. Investigate
8. Measure
9. Predict
10. Test
11. Classify
12. Discover
13. Hypothesize
14. Interpret
15. Record
16. Synthesize
17. Communicate
18. Validate
19. Model
20. Validate
21. Document
22. Compare
23. Evaluate
24. Report
25. Develop

These words encompass a range of scientific activities, from conducting experiments to analyzing data and communicating findings. Remember, this is just a starting point, and there are many more action words related to science depending on the specific area of science you are interested in.