ABC and DCB are right angles .That A and D respectively.And AC=DB. Prove that angle ABC is equal to angle DCB?

To prove that angle ABC is equal to angle DCB, we need to demonstrate that the two angles have the same measure or are congruent. Based on the given information, we know that ABC and DCB are right angles and that AC=DB.

Here's how we can prove that angle ABC is equal to angle DCB:

1. Draw a proper diagram: Start by drawing two intersecting lines, forming four angles. Label one of the angles formed by the lines as ABC and the other as DCB.

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2. Given information: From the given information, we know that ABC and DCB are right angles. This means that both angles measure 90 degrees.

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3. AC=DB: Given that AC=DB, we can conclude that the triangles ABC and DCB are congruent to each other using the Side-Angle-Side (SAS) congruence criterion. This means that their corresponding angles are congruent as well.

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4. Conclusion: By proving that triangles ABC and DCB are congruent, we can conclude that angle ABC and angle DCB are equivalent or congruent. Therefore, angle ABC is equal to angle DCB.

In conclusion, if A and D are the respective vertices of a pair of right angles, and AC=DB, we can prove that angle ABC is equal to angle DCB by demonstrating that triangles ABC and DCB are congruent.

Excuse me? You say

ABC and DCB are right angles . . .
<mumble mumble>
Prove that angle ABC is equal to angle DCB

Duh. They are both right angles.

Care to modify your data and question?


In the diagram to the left, \angle ABC∠ABCangle, A, B, C and \angle DCB∠DCBangle, D, C, B are right angles. Which of the following is closest to the length of \overline{DE}


​​ start overline, D, E, end overline?