
Ten years ago, you started working as a clerk for DMD
Medical Supplies. Six months ago, Liz Jakowski, the human
resources director, promoted you to office manager. You
manage two employees: Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen.
Your office provides secretarial support for the four members
of the executive team. Two years ago, Liz had assigned Jack
to support Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo. Ruth was assigned
to Samuel Daley and Frank Daley. The work flow was
equally balanced.
You’ve noticed that in the last three months Ruth has cut her
breaks short to complete her work, complains of being tired,
and at least twice a month requires overtime hours costing
the company an additional $200 a month. In the last three
weeks, Frank Daley has complained to you a few times about
the poor quality of Ruth’s work.
On the other hand, over the last three months, Jack frequently
seems to have little to do. He has begun coming in late a
couple times a week and taking more than the allotted break
times. What work he does have, however, is always professionally completed.

Clearly, you must investigate to determine what is causing
this change and how to improve the situation. Since nothing
has changed in the personal lives of either Jack or Ruth, you
conclude you must focus on the in-office work situation. You
learn the following facts:
• Samuel and Frank Daley share a part-time administrative
assistant who works only 15 hours a week.
• Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo share a full-time administrative
• Jessica Hilo has been on medical leave for the last four
months, and Liz Jakowski isn’t sure whether Jessica will
be able to return to work.
• Jessica’s duties have been temporarily reassigned to
Ralph and Frank.
Although you don’t have the authority to change the work
assignments of the two administrative assistants or the
executive team, you clearly need to change your office
assignments so that both Jack and Ruth work regularly
without requiring overtime.

After they ask to do webbing and prewritting skills they want these paragraphs divided as follows:

Facts and Figures that define the problem (the cause)

Details that show the impact of the problem (effects on Jack , Ruth and the company.

The steps needed to change the situation

Reason to implement each step including the benefits to your employees , your supervisor and the company

Information about your role in the change.

Please couls you check and see if this is ok? Thank you

For the past three months, I have noticed problems in the work flow within our company, DMD Medical Supplies. The problems are with my two employees, Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen. Jack supports the team of Jessica Hilo and Ralph Alane, and Ruth supports the team of Frank and Samuel Daley. Frank and Samuel share a part time assistant, whereas Ralph and Jessica have a full time assistant. Jessica has been on medical leave for last 4 months. Her work has temporarily been assigned to Ralph Alane and Frank Daley. Before Jessica’s medical leave, the workload was equally divided. There were no problems, and there were no overtime expenses. Frank has informed me he is very unhappy with the poor quality of the work that Ruth has been doing. She has been going on shorter breaks, is often exhausted, and requires overtime hours at least twice a month, which is costing the company an additional $200 a month. Jack seems to be affected also, although his work is always professionally completed. He has been coming in late for work, taking longer break times and often has very little to do. These problems must be looked at and resolved. I will schedule a meeting with Liz Jakowski, the Human Resources Director, and all teams involved.
As office manager I believe the best way to solve this situation would be to assign both teams full time assistants. This would cost the company a bit more money but would result in a more work flow among both teams. It would be beneficial to assign some of Jessica’s tasks to Jack, as it will give him a heavier workload. We should try these solutions for at least a three-month trial period. Since we have no idea when /if Jessica is coming back, we should also hire a temporary replacement. With this solution in place, I believe will make our employees happier and minimize stress for everyone and make the business, as a whole, more efficient over the longer term.

For the past three months, I have noticed problems in the work flow within our company, DMD Medical Supplies. The problems are with my two employees, Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen. Jack supports the team of Jessica Hilo and Ralph Alane, and Ruth supports the team of Frank and Samuel Daley. Frank and Samuel share a part time assistant, whereas Ralph and Jessica have a full time assistant. Jessica has been on medical leave for last 4 months. Her work has temporarily been assigned to Ralph Alane and Frank Daley. Before Jessica’s medical leave, the workload was equally divided. There were no problems, and there were no overtime expenses. Frank has informed me he is very unhappy with the poor quality of the work that Ruth has been doing. She has been going on shorter breaks*, is often exhausted, and requires overtime hours at least twice a month, which is costing the company an additional $200 a month. Jack seems to be affected also, although his work is always professionally completed. He has been coming in late for work, taking longer break times and often has very little to do. These problems must be looked at and resolved. I will schedule a meeting with Liz Jakowski, the Human Resources Director, and all teams involved.

As office manager I believe the best way to solve this situation would be to assign both teams full time assistants. This would cost the company a bit more money but would result in a more work flow among both teams. It would be beneficial to assign some of Jessica’s tasks to Jack, as it will give him a heavier workload. We should try these solutions for at least a three-month trial period. Since we have no idea when /if Jessica is coming back, we should also hire a temporary replacement. With this solution in place, I believe will make our employees happier and minimize stress for everyone and make the business, as a whole, more efficient over the longer term.

Words and phrases to be revised are in bold.

Use this index to find explanations and examples for the fixes that are needed:

*I still don't understand how "shorter breaks" are negatives.

The provided paragraphs seem to be appropriate for the given sections.

In Section 1, you have described the facts and figures that define the problem. You have mentioned the work assignments and workload of Jack and Ruth, the absence of Jessica Hilo due to medical leave, and the impact of these factors on the work flow and performance of the employees. You have also included details about Frank's complaints regarding Ruth's work quality and the additional expenses incurred due to Ruth's overtime hours.

In Section 2, you have outlined the steps needed to change the situation. You propose assigning full-time assistants to both teams, redistributing Jessica's tasks to alleviate Jack's workload, and suggesting a three-month trial period for these changes. You have also mentioned the need to hire a temporary replacement for Jessica.

You have provided reasons to implement each step, emphasizing the benefits to the employees, supervisor, and the company as a whole. Specifically, you mention that these changes will result in a more balanced work flow, improved employee satisfaction, reduced stress, and increased efficiency in the long run.

Lastly, you indicate your role as the office manager in suggesting and facilitating these changes. You mention scheduling a meeting with Liz Jakowski, the Human Resources Director, and all teams involved to discuss and implement the proposed solutions.

Overall, the paragraphs effectively address the required sections and provide a clear outline of the problem, proposed solutions, and your role in the change process.