when writing a summary of an article what are other ways to let others know that you are talking about the article besides saying the article says this______ or the article is this______?

Use the author's name. He or she is doing the writing or saying, not the article.

what if the author of the article is unknown and it just says its an article from fox news or something like that

When writing a summary of an article, there are several alternative ways to indicate that you are referencing or summarizing the content of the article. Here are some ways to achieve this:

1. Use the author's name: Instead of repeatedly mentioning "the article," you can refer to the author of the article when summarizing specific points. For example, you can say "According to John Doe's research," or "In Jane Smith's study."

2. Mention the title of the article: Incorporate the article's title into your summary to give a clear indication of the source you are referring to. For instance, you can state "In the article 'Understanding Climate Change,' it is stated that..."

3. Introduce the source upfront: Begin your summary by introducing the source. You can mention the name of the publication, website, or journal where the article was published, such as "In a recent New York Times article," or "According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience."

4. Provide a clear context: Instead of explicitly mentioning "the article," provide the necessary context around your summary. For example, you can say "Regarding the research on renewable energy," or "In relation to the findings about COVID-19."

Remember, it's essential to attribute the ideas and information to their original source in your summary, while also presenting the content in your own words.