Which of the following rxns would most likely occur the fastest?

A. 2AgNO3(aq) + Cu (cr) --> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(cr)

B. NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) --> NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(cr)

C. C6H12O6(aq) + O2(aq) --> CO2(aq) + H2O(l)

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To determine which reaction would most likely occur the fastest, we need to consider the factors that affect reaction rate. One important factor is the presence of a catalyst, which speeds up the reaction without getting consumed. Another factor is the concentration of the reactants. Generally, reactions with higher concentrations of reactants tend to have faster reaction rates. Lastly, the nature of the reactants and the type of reaction can also affect the reaction rate.

In option A, the reaction involves the displacement of Cu from the solid state by Ag+ ions. This type of reaction is known as a displacement reaction. However, it does not involve a catalyst and both reactants are in solution, so the reaction rate would likely depend on the concentration of the reactants.

In option B, the reaction involves the formation of a precipitate (AgCl) when Ag+ ions react with Cl- ions. This type of reaction is known as a precipitation reaction. Like option A, there is no catalyst involved, but the concentration of reactants will play a role in determining the reaction rate.

In option C, the reaction involves the combustion of glucose (C6H12O6) with oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This is known as a combustion reaction. Combustion reactions typically occur rapidly, especially when oxygen is present in excess.

Based on the information provided, option C (C6H12O6(aq) + O2(aq) --> CO2(aq) + H2O(l)) is most likely to occur the fastest since combustion reactions generally have high reaction rates.