What treatment options are used to assist patients with anxiety disorders?

A. Medication

B. Psychotherapy

C. Medication and Psychotherapy

D. None of the above


I disagree.

what is it?

Probably A? Psychotherapy is very unlikely now

Yes, the correct answer is B. Psychotherapy is one of the treatment options used to assist patients with anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy or counseling, involves working with a trained therapist to identify and address the underlying causes of anxiety. The therapist helps the patient develop coping mechanisms and strategies to manage their anxiety symptoms effectively. Psychotherapy can be conducted in various forms, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety. Other forms of therapy, such as exposure therapy, help patients gradually confront and overcome their fears and anxieties. While medication can also be used as a treatment option, it is not the only approach and is not always required.