How many American adults are affected by specific phobias each year?

A. 920,000

B. 13.2 million

C. 19.2 million

D. 26.2 million


C. 19.2 million


good! because d is wrong

Answer is 19.2 million

To find the answer to this question, we can use data from reliable sources such as research studies or government health agencies. In this case, we can turn to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a reputable source for mental health statistics in the United States.

Unfortunately, as an AI, I cannot access real-time data or conduct internet searches. However, I can provide you with general information. According to the NIMH, specific phobias affect approximately 12.5% of U.S. adults at some point in their lives. While I do not have the specific number for each year, we can make an estimate based on the total adult population in the United States.

As of 2020, the estimated adult population in the United States is around 255 million. So, if we calculate 12.5% of this population, it comes to approximately 31.8 million American adults affected by specific phobias.

Given the answer choices you provided, it seems that option D, 26.2 million, is the closest estimate to this number. However, please note that this is an approximation, and the exact figure may vary.