Discount tickets to a basketball tournament sell fro $4.00 each. Enrico spent $60.00 on discount tickets, $37.50 less than if he had brought the tickets at the regular price. What was the regular ticket price?

60/4 = 15

97.50/15 = 6.50



To find the regular ticket price, we can subtract the amount Enrico spent on discount tickets from the amount he would have spent if he had bought the tickets at the regular price.

Enrico spent $60.00 on discount tickets, which is $37.50 less than if he had bought the tickets at the regular price.

So, to find the regular price, we need to calculate $60.00 + $37.50.

$60.00 + $37.50 = $97.50.

Therefore, the regular ticket price for the basketball tournament was $97.50.