the training of animals (like teaching dogs to open doors for the disabled) use what principles of psychology

Mostly, they use the principle of positive reinforcement for behaviours one wants to reinforce.

This is called operant or instrumental conditioning.

The training of animals like teaching dogs to open doors for the disabled involves several principles of psychology, particularly applied behavior analysis (ABA). ABA is a scientific approach that focuses on understanding and modifying behavior through the use of specific techniques. Here are some key principles used in animal training:

1. Positive Reinforcement: This principle involves providing rewards or reinforcement whenever the desired behavior occurs. In the case of training dogs to open doors, positive reinforcement can be giving them treats, praise, or toys every time they successfully perform the behavior.

2. Shaping: Shaping is a technique used to teach complex behaviors gradually. It involves breaking down the desired behavior into smaller achievable steps. The trainer reinforces each small step until the animal can perform the target behavior.

3. Prompting and Cueing: Prompting is the process of giving a signal or cue to guide the animal towards the desired behavior. Initially, the trainer may need to physically help the dog open the door, but gradually reduces the level of assistance until the dog can do it independently.

4. Chaining: Chaining involves stringing together a series of behaviors to form a sequence. For example, in order to open a door, the dog may need to approach it, stand up on its hind legs, grasp the handle, and pull it. Each individual behavior is taught separately and then linked together to form the complete chain.

5. Generalization: Once the desired behavior is learned, it needs to be generalized to different contexts or environments. This involves exposing the dog to various door types, sizes, and locations, so it can perform the behavior regardless of the specific situation.

It's important to note that animal training should be based on positive and humane techniques. Harsh punishments or aversive methods are generally avoided, as they can lead to fear, anxiety, and even aggression in animals. Positive reinforcement and effective training methods build trust and strengthen the bond between the animal and trainer.